Our research group is located at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and affiliated with the University of Heidelberg. Our research is focused on the synthesis and application of biofunctional materials, surfaces and nanoparticles.
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Joaquín Urrutia, Maximilian Seifermann, Razan El Khaled El Faraj, Maryam Salarian, Julius Höpfner and Weiyi Liu joined our group as Ph.D. students! Welcome our new group members!
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Wenxi's paper "Controlling Geometry and Flow Through Bacterial Bridges on Patterned Lubricant‐Infused Surfaces (pLIS)" has been accepted by Small as selected as BACK COVER.
This work collaborating with Thomas Schwartz demonstrates and explains the formation of bacterial bridge structures—micrometer thin strings formed between clusters of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on patterned lubricant infused surfaces (pLIS) during dewetting. This simple method allows to control the geometry, length and alignment of bacterial bridges by using pre‐designed superhydrophobic‐hydrophilic patterns. The method will be important for understanding biofilm formation, structure and function.
Congratulations to all the authors.
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Pavel Levkin accepts an invitation to join the editorial advisory board of Advanced Materials Interfaces (Wiley).
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Have a look at our newest Advanced Materials paper on "Assembly of Multi‐Spheroid Cellular Architectures by Programmable Droplet Merging". This is a very interesting method to make arrays of complex multi-spheroid architectures (microtissues) by fusing nanoliter droplets containing single spheroids together. Double spheroids or even up to 4 spheroids can be fused together in a controlled way. Different cell types can be combined in such structures (see pictures below).
I believe it will be very useful for tissue engineering applications, studying cell-cell interactions, cell signaling, cell experiments in 3D, etc. Congratulations to Haijun!
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Our recent paper in Advanced Biosystems titled “Droplet‐Microarray: Miniaturized Platform for High‐Throughput Screening of Antimicrobial” is online now. Congratulations to Wenxi and the co-authors! Great collaboration with Thomas Schwartz´s group at KIT.
The authors demonstrated the droplet‐microarray (DMA) platform can be used for screening the efficiency of clinically used antibiotics against bacterial pathogens. This platform offers the ability to investigate drug‐resistance of bacteria isolated from patients and the environment with minimal cost and effort.
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Our group has now moved to the new building of the Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems - Functional Molecular Systems!
- Johannes’ paper in Angewandte Chemie
- New paper in Advanced Materials
- Johannes’ paper in Angewandte Chemie International Edition
- Pavel Levkin accepts position of Full Professor at the KIT
- Pavel Levkin joins the Excellence Cluster of KIT and Heidelberg University
- Congratulations to Alisa for an excellent PhD defense.
- Jonathan Elton joins our lab as a PhD student.
- Max wins the Carl-Roth-Förderpreis