Our paper describing a novel transparent reactive superhydrophobic surface based on silicon nanofilaments has been accepted for publication inNano Letters. Congratulations to all the authors!
Li, Junsheng; Li, Linxian; Du, Xin; Feng, Wenqian; Welle, Alexander; Trapp, Oliver; Grunze, Michael; Hirtz, Michael; Levkin, Pavel
"Reactive Superhydrophobic Surface and Its Photo Induced Disulfide-ene and Thiol-ene (Bio)functionalization"
Victoriahas successfully defended her PhD at the University of Heidelberg, Department of Applied Physical Chemistry. Congratulations!
Ericahas successfully defended her PhD at the KIT. Congratulations!
Xin´s paper on "UV-Triggered Dopamine Polymerization: Control of Polymerization, Surface Coating and Photopatterning" has been accepted toAdvanced Materials. Congratulations!
Press-release about the Ewald Wicke Award to Pavel Levkinin Angewandte Chemie.
Linxian has accepted a postdoctoral position in The David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at the MIT, USA. Congratulations!
Wenqian´s two publications have been accepted at the same time in Advanced Materials Interfaces and Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Congratulations!
W. Feng, L. Li, E. Ueda, J. Li, S.Heißler, A. Welle, O. Trapp, P. A. Levkin Surface Patterning via Thiol-Yne Click Chemistry: an Extremely Fast and Versatile Approach to Superhydrophilic- Superhydrophobic Micropatterns. Adv. Mater. Interfaces
Alexander Efremovgraduates from Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg with Magna Cum Lauda. Congratulations, Alexander!
Dr. Pavel Levkin receives the Ewald-Wicke-Prize, which will be awarded at theBunsentagung 2014to be held at the University of Hamburg on 29-31st of May.
"Der Preis wird an junge Wissenschaftler bis zum Alter von 35 Jahren für herausragende wissenschaftliche Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der angewandten physikalischen Chemie vergeben."
Prof. Marcell Peuckert (President of the Bunsen Society) awarding the Ewald-Wicke Prize to Dr. Levkin.
Dr. Gölitz, Editor-in-Chief of Angewandte Chemie (a journal of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker) congratulates Dr. Pavel Levkin on the occasion of receiving the Ewald-Wicke-Prize Award at the Bunsen-Tagung in Hamburg, May 2014.
Linxian Lihas just graduated from Heidelberg University with Magna Cum Laude. Congratulations, Linxian!
Incella GmbH is a start-up company that developes and commercializes novel gene-delivery systems. Incella is a result of one of our research projects that was finished by Linxian two years ago in cooperation with Gary Davidson´s lab at the KIT. Now, just two years after that project three novel transfection reagents (ScreenFect A, ScreenFect siRNA and ScreenFect mRNA) are available in Europe, Japan, China and soon in the US.Incella GmbHhas moved to theHigh-Tech Inkubatorat the KIT where the company currently rents one chemistry and one cell biology laboratory and employs 8 scientists.
Linxian´s andJunsheng´sAngewandte paper"Direct UV-Induced Functionalization of Surface Hydroxy Groups by Thiol–Ol Chemistry" isonlineand has been selected as aHOT PAPERby the editor.
Junshenghas successfully defended his PhD in Heidelberg University. Congratulations!
Check our laboratory´syoutube channel. The interviews are kind of funny, but the macro videos of droplets, superhydrophobic surfaces and micropatterns are interesting. High-density arrays of square microdroplets, or unusual ring-shaped droplets are something what we do not often see in our real life.
Prof. João F. Mano visits our group and gives a talk on "Ex-vivo applications of biomimetic polymeric surfaces for biomedical applications".
Dr. Levkin represents KIT at the European Career Fair at the MITin Boston.
Dr. Anna Popova and Mr. Konstantin Demirhave joined our group. They will work on the development of a new platform for high-throughput screening of live cells using the Dropletmicroarray approach as a part of the ERC Starting Grant. Welcome!