anna 5       

Dr. Anna Popova is a head of biological sub-group in the Multifunctional Materials Systems research laboratory at the Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems (IBCS-FMS) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany led by Prof. Pavel Levkin. She graduated from the department of Cell Biology and Immunology of the Biological Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia and obtained her Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology in at University of Heidelberg, Germany. Since January 2014 Dr. Popova started at KIT as a project leader and head of the biology sub-group. Dr. Popova is the co-founder of Aquarray GmbH. For more information, check out her website here.

Her research is focused on developing novel in vitro systems for high throughput screenings and personalized medicine. The topics in the BIO sub-group include:

• Personalized oncology: developing highly miniaturized protocols and workflows for personalized drug sensitivity and resistance testing of patient-derived cancer cells
• Seq-on-a-Chip: developing protocols for nucleic acid isolation and manipulation from live cells cultured on a chip in nanolitre droplets, followed by sequencing
• Proteomics-on-a-Chip: developing protocols for protein isolation and digestion from live cells followed by LC-MS analysis of cell proteome
• hiPSC (human induced pluripotent stem cells): developing assays for high throughput screening of hiPSC against different stimuli with the aim to control pluripotency and differentiation of hiPSCs
• Complex 3D cell culture models (spheroids, organoids, tumoroids, co-culture, complex systems) in high throughput nanolitre format
• Microbiological applications and multi-drug resistance: high throughput antibiotic screenings & personalized antibiotic sensitivity test

Education and Research Experience


 Current position                                                            

 Project Leader

Co-founder and CTO of Aquarray GmbH 2018-present

Project Leader

Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems-

Functional and Molecular Systems (IBSC-FMS), 

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany



 Department of Dermatology and Allergology

University Medical Centre Mannheim

University of Heidelberg


 Research Assistant

 Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics

University Hospital Charite


 Research Assistant 

Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Moscow, Russia


 Research Assistant 

Institute for Virus Research

Kyoto University


 Research Assistant

Laboratory of Viral Carcinogenesis

Institute for Carcinogenesis

Blokhin Cancer Research Center, Moscow, Russia


2002- 2005

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Department of Cell Biology and Immunology

Microbiology, with excellence


Funding (selected grants)

KIT Future Fields “Screening Platform for Personalized Oncology (SPPO) – Standardized Individual Profiling of Tumours based on Miniaturized Technology for Drug Sensitivity Screening”.
2021 HeiKa 2020 “Combining Droplet Microarrays and Mass Spectrometry for Single-Cell Proteomics”.
2020-2023 Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg Ideenwettbewerb Biotechnologie
2020 HeiKa 2019 “High-throughput compound screening in 3D glioma tumorsphere models”.
2018-2020 DFG PO 1820/3-1: “ChIPseq-on-Chip: Droplet-Microarray as a miniaturized high throughput platform for parallel ChIP-seq experiments”.
2018 HeiKa 2017  “Eradicating integrin-mediated resistance to the cancer therapies by combinatorial screening in 3D using miniaturized Droplet-Microarrays”.


  • Cofounder of Aquarray GmbH, founded 29.03.2018, development and commerciallization of the novel miniaturized platform for cell experiments and personalized medicine.



  • Poster Prize, EMBL/Stanford Personalized Health Conference 2015
  • The Tony B. Award, The SLAS Academic Travel Awards Program, SLAS2016
  • Nominated for SLAS Innovation Award, SLAS 2016
  • The Tony B. Award, The SLAS Academic Travel Awards Program, SLAS2018
  • The Tony B. Award, The SLAS Academic Travel Awards Program, SLAS2019


Prof. Dr. Pavel Levkin   
Build.: 319 / Office: 444 
Tel:  +49-721-608-29175


  • Articles View Hits 780428

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