Wenxi's paper "Controlling Geometry and Flow Through Bacterial Bridges on Patterned Lubricant‐Infused Surfaces (pLIS)" has been accepted by Small as selected as BACK COVER.
This work collaborating with Thomas Schwartz demonstrates and explains the formation of bacterial bridge structures—micrometer thin strings formed between clusters of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on patterned lubricant infused surfaces (pLIS) during dewetting. This simple method allows to control the geometry, length and alignment of bacterial bridges by using pre‐designed superhydrophobic‐hydrophilic patterns. The method will be important for understanding biofilm formation, structure and function.
Congratulations to all the authors.
Our research group is located at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and affiliated with the University of Heidelberg. Our research is focused on the synthesis and application of biofunctional materials, surfaces and nanoparticles.
Wenxi's paper in Small
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