Our research group is located at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and affiliated with the University of Heidelberg. Our research is focused on the synthesis and application of biofunctional materials, surfaces and nanoparticles.
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Congratulations to Anna, who just won another grant - HeiKa, which is a cooperation with Dr. Sevin Turcan from Heidelberg University, who works on brain tumor biology. Well done Anna!
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Joined Ph.D. thesis between Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and University of Heidelberg.
Development of prognostic test on-a-chip for personalized oncology
If you are interested, contact: Dr. Anna Popova (anna "dot" popova at kit "dot" edu) or PD Dr. Sascha Dietrich (sascha"dot"dietrich at embl "dot" de)
Starting date: January 1, 2020
Duration: 3 years
Qualification: cell and molecular biology, cancer biology
More information: here
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Congratulations to Anna! Our invited review on "Precision medicine in oncology: in vitro drug sensitivity and resistance test (DSRT) for selection of personalized anti-cancer therapy" is accepted for publication in Advanced Therapeutics. Well done.
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Pavel Levkin presents his ERC Consolidator Grant in front of the reviewers board in Brussels. Fingers crossed.
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The Levkin Lab just reached 100 journal publications. Congratulations to all group members and all of our collaborators.
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Three projects have been funded by the Ministry of Science and Art of Baden-Württemberg (MWK). One project (PI Dr. Anna Popova) is a strong collaboration with the University Hospital in Heidelberg (Dr. Sascha Dietrich) and will focus on the development of a novel personalized medicine approach to address cancer treatment. The other two projects focus on further development of different aspects of the droplet microarray platform for cell screenings and mass-spectrometric readouts. We also thank and congratulate our collaborator - the group of Prof. Carsten Hopf (HS Mannheim/CeMOS). Congratulations to Anna, Max and Dorothea!
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Have a look at this nice cover for our recent Advanced Functional Materials paper:
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The manuscript titled "Solid-phase combinatorial synthesis using microarrays of microcompartments with light-induced on-chip cell screening" will be online soon - congratulations to Alisa and all of her co-authors!!!
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Congratulations to the whole team of Aquarray, especially Simon and Anna, for winning an important EU grant (SME Instruments) of about 1,7M€! This grant will accelerate Aquarray´s development of precision medicine products and will help enter the market of Personalized Medicine. It is especially exciting to receive such an award where success rate is just about 3-5%...
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We are happy that KIT was selected as one of the 11 Universities of Excellence. A total of approximately €148 million will be available annually for all Universities of Excellence.
I congratulate all our colleagues at the KIT and especially all the students, postdocs and TAs who worked in our group and made their contribution to this success.
Other Universities of Excellence include: RWTH Aachen University, Berlin University, University of Bonn, Dresden University of Technology, University of Hamburg, Heidelberg University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Konstanz, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Technical University of Munich, University of Tübingen.
- New group picture
- 3rd place at the NEULAND - Innovation Competition goes to... Maximilian Benz
- Professor Zhu joins our lab as a visitor
- Nature Communications paper out!
- Teaching old materials new tricks!
- Special issue of Advanced Materials about KIT
- Levkin Lab at SLAS Europe in Barcelona 2019
- CliKIT